I used to work at Siemen Pte Ltd for a period of time. Zheng Yi Hainanese Beef Noodle is one of the best tasting Beef noodle I ever tasted. It is a located in a nondescript "Kopitiam" at intersection between Macpherson Road & Tai Thong Crescent. Even now, if I happen to pass by that area on business (because I don't own a car) I always made the effort to reserve tummy space for a bowl of rich beef noodles. The photo here is taken last year when I happen to pass by when I sending a faulty hard disk for RMA and it high time I should give the photo I took due credit.

Zheng Yi's Beef noodle retail from $4 to $6 and and you can customise which beef part (stomach,intestine,cartilage) or just the meat itself. You don't see this kind of offering in famous beef noodles in Katong or Odeon beef noodle. Similar to other beef noodles, you have the option of dry or version with either noodles or rice flat noodles(kwaytiao). The dry version is basically the wet version whereby it was thicken and additional dark soya sauce is added to darken it.
My personal preference is the dry version as you can better savour the beefy rich sauce as its cling on the noodle better. Despite that, you won't find the Zheng Yi's dry version too starchy like Odeon or Scott. Zheng Yi's dry version also doesn't have overpowering dark soya sauce that is very predominant in the common Beef Noodle staff. Zheng Yi doesn't overcook the beef slice like common beef noodles stall which is plus as I don't like overcook beef. The chilli served together is special belachan chili that really blend well with the noodle and being a chilli fanatic I always add it into the noodle for additional spiciness.

The dry version of the noodle is also served with a bowl of beef soup as a side. This beef soup is the best beef soup I ever tasted as its very rich with a tinge of herbs giving you "power" when you drink it. The attributing factor of it richness is due to assortment of beef parts use to made the soup and the soup gets better when you have it near to the stall closure.
Another worthy must try is Zheng Yi's wet version as the noodles is serve with the concentrated beefy soup that was serve as a side in the dry version. Zheng Yi's beef soup is comparable to Viet's beef pho soup with slight variant in the herb use to concoct the soup.The ideal time to eat this beef noodle is during rainy season as the richness can simply warm your heart or rejuvenate your tired soul. For those beef noodle lovers who haven't try it, it is a die die must try.